All of life boils down to identiftying the ideal self and the actual self and then working to merge the two. Too many people across the globe simply react to the things that happen to them, rather than being proactive. This is precisely the reason that the majority of people are in situations in which they do not want to be and this inevitably leads to unhappiness. The thing that gets missed is the identification of the ideal self. Very few people take the time to actually decide who they would be if they could do anything in the world. This identifies one of the great tradgedies of our society. My mother, like many mothers, told me that I could be anything when I was a child. You hear this so much that it becomes cliche and carries no weight. One of the great realizations of my college experience has been understanding the scope of what this statement really means. In most cases, people say this only pertaining to vocation. I understood that I could be a doctor or a lawyer if I worked at it. The problem is that I did not want to be any of those things. It turns out that I wanted to write the whole time. The stark reality is that you can literally become whatever you want to in this life if you simply identify what that is and start taking steps toward it.
The even greater understanding of this principle that we are taught so early is that it carries over into all facets of life. You want to be a great father, mother, son, or daughter? Then be one! You want to be in excellent shape? Start exercising and eating better. It will absolutely lead to being in better shape. You want to learn a language? Go buy Rosetta Stone, or start taking classes!
It really is as simple as that. Identify who you want to be across all fronts of your life and then move toward that! This is certainly one of the keys to life. What is at risk if you do not do this? Your happiness, health, and mental wellbeing. This is a list of things that are the most important. So do not let this life mold you into the person it wants you to be. You mold this life into exactly what you want it to be. This is a skill that is specifically unique to humans; therefore, take advantage of it!
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